Running analysis


Are you a performance athlete or runner who can’t break through a plateau or keeps getting injured? You’re in the right spot.


Running analysis


Are you a performance athlete or runner who can’t break through a plateau or keeps getting injured? You’re in the right spot.

Who We Are

Dr. Christine Foss is The Runner’s Doctor for the performance athlete. From ultra marathoners to competitive athletes looking to break through plateaus, Dr. Foss is a world renowned sports medicine doctor trained to help accelerate athletic performance while reducing the risk of injury. Having traveled with Team USA Track and Field, Austrian Bobsleigh team, USA Gymnastics, and owning her own practice for more than 25 years, she is the sports medicine doctor for elite athletes.


Running analysis

Accelerate Performance.
Minimize Injury.
Dr. Foss closely analyzes a series of videos recording and pictures of you performing a series of movements that reveal fault patterns that could be causing injury, pain or limited performance.

Running analysis

Accelerate Performance.
Minimize Injury.
Dr. Foss closely analyzes a series of videos recording and pictures of you performing a series of movements that reveal fault patterns that could be causing injury, pain or limited performance.



Dr. Christine Foss

Dr. Foss has vast experience treating and rehabilitating athletes, especially runners. Being a Co-owner of Advanced Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy Center in Riverdale, New Jersey has allowed her to travel with teams such as TEAM USA Track and Field, the Austrian Bobsleigh team, USA Gymnastics, while providing care to local athletes in the clinic. She has worked many national and international sporting events such as USATF National Championships, World Games, Bob Sleigh World Championships and USA Gymnastics Events. She is also an international lecturer on the topics of assessment and treatment of athletic injuries.


Dr. Foss has a passion for the running athlete and devotes her time to research and treatment in the areas of unpeeling the root cause of repetitive or unresolved injury in the athlete. Her protocols of assessment, analysis, treatment care plan and return to sport have been developed over many years of work and research. Dr. Foss devotes her time to the expertise of the kinetic chain and finding the patterns that cause injury and limit performance and potential in the athlete.

What Our Athletes Say



Complete Intake Forms & Media

First, athletes will fill out their intake questionnaire. After completing the initial questionnaire, each athlete is asked to record themselves while they work through a series of activities. These different views allow Dr. Foss to evaluate the biomechanics of each athlete and identify the break in their kinetic chain. Once the break is identified, Dr. Foss will create a corrective plan to help you break through performance plateaus and minimize the risk of injury.

Schedule Your Meeting

After completing your intake questionnaire and recorded videos, you’ll schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Foss. This is done through Zoom or in person at our office. During your evaluation, Dr. Foss will review her findings and the faults in your kinetic chain. Then she will create an individualized corrective program for each athlete to help them meet their specific goals.

See Results. Run Better!

After a few weeks, it will be time to meet with Dr. Foss again with a new series of videos. This is critical for assessing progress to evaluate if any changes need to be made or if you are on the path to breaking through your plateaus!

World Tours
Athletes Helped
Pain Free Miles



The analysis of movement faults and physiological barriers that occur while running will help us find the answer to ‘why an injury occurs.’ Dr Foss’ analysis will look closely into your unique movement patterns, muscle weakness, muscle imbalances, muscle inhibitions or synergistic patterns faults that may be setting you up for injury or preventing you from reaching your goals.

The visual analysis allows Dr. Foss to peel apart breaks in your kinetic chain that may be contributing to your injury, slowed recovery or stalled performance.

Level up your performance. Schedule your consultation now.

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Accelerate performance through effective screening  with Dr. Christine Foss

  1. Analysis of movement/performance videos as listed below
  2. Video consultation (30 minutes)
  3. Initial Corrective care plan- designed for you specifically based on your needs, goals, training regimen

Fees paid at the time of scheduling and video submission. 24 hours notice of reschedule is required. Appointments are made once all videos are completed and submitted.

  1.  Second assessment of gait (see initial intake form for details)
  2. 30-minute video consultation on changes in status, compliant and updated corrective care plan.

Fee paid at the time of scheduling. Must be a minimum of 1 week after first assessment. 

  1.  Analysis of gait/run (see number 6 on intake form)
  2. 15-30-minute video consultation on tweaks, changes in training and corrective exercises 

Fees paid at the time of scheduling.