If you are familiar with the world of fitness, you have likely heard of high-intensity interval training or HIIT for short. Over the past couple of years, HIIT training has drastically increased in popularity because it is seemingly an efficient way to get the results of a longer workout. But are HIIT workouts worth the hype? Here are some benefits that will make you want to attend one of our fitness classes.

Burn Fat


Throughout the course of your HIIT workout, you will burn more calories than if you worked out at a moderate intensity for a long period of time. Not only will you burn more calories during the workout itself, but in the 24 hours after the workout is over as well. Because of the intense energy exertion, your body will continue to burn fat and calories when the workout is over.

You Don’t Need Equipment


Of course, there are pieces of equipment that can help you during your HIIT workout, but you can also complete a HIIT workout without any equipment. You can do high knees, jumping lunges or other plyometric moves to increase your heart rate.

Lose Weight Instead of Muscle


For many, the goal of working out is to gain muscle and lose fat. Too much cardio may encourage muscle loss, however, weight training and HIIT exercises help preserve muscle while also minimizing fat.

Thanks to quick HIIT exercises, you no longer have the excuse of “I don’t have enough time to work out.” Intermix HIIT classes with our fitness classes for optimal results! Click here for the class schedule!